WOD #9

WOD #9


  • 20 DB Snatches 50/35
  • 21 Box Jump Step Down (24/20")
  • 20 DB Front Squats
  • 21 Push-Ups


This workout is 20 minutes long. Complete as many rounds as possible of 20 DB Snatches, 21 box jumps (24/20″), 21 DB Front Squat, and 21 Push Ups. Break up the DB snatches and front squat with intention. The weight should be such that you could do 20 unbroken front squats (even though it might not be part of your strategy)
try to move a methodical pace from start to finish. Simply keep moving!
Scale DB Snatches to DB Power cleans. Scale Push ups to push ups on knees. Scale Box Jumps to step ups